Harkers Hollow Golf Club receives multiple requests per week for charitable donations of either golf certificates or merchandise. In an attempt to help as many organizations as our donation budget will allow in an equitable manner, Harkers Hollow has established the following policy.
Harkers Hollow Golf Club does not donate passes to:
- Individuals
- Politically partisan programs, groups or associations
Harkers Hollow Golf Club makes contributions to not-for-profit, tax exempt organizations under Section 501(c) 3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue code, including educational institutions and government agencies residing in and serving Warren County, NJ. In General, golf passes are considered for specific community institutions and programs aligned with our mission to enhance the quality of life for our immediate area.
Organizations need to follow these guidelines when requesting the donation of a golf pass. Please note that due to the volume of requests, golf passes will be issued only as 18-holes of golf and for Weekday play only.
- Submit a written request on the organization’s letterhead with the address and phone number of the organization along with contact name and title
- One request per organization per calendar year will be considered
- Requests must include the specific information regarding how the donation will be used (i.e. door prize, silent auction, raffle item, hole prize, etc.)
- Donation of rounds are not guaranteed and are subject to management.
- A form verifying 501(c)3 status or sufficient documentation verifying governmental entity or educational institution
- A brochure, or other literature, that verifies the date of the event, purpose, and location.
- Benefits to Harkers Hollow Golf Club (i.e. name included on signage, in program, event participation, etc.)
Please send the required information listed above, along with the Contact name, email address and phone number to the following address, email and phone requests are not acceptable: